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MackSolo Team Update ✈ïļ 🌍 Today was a ...

Macksolo 2022/09/02 16:45:11
MackSolo Team Update ✈ïļ 🌍
Today was a bit sad, as Mack's well-traveled locks were chopped off ðŸĪŠ. Back to school, rules to follow...

The day Mack knew his solo flight around the world was happening, he pledged not to have a #haircut till his arrival back home, whether it would be a success or not.

Did it bring him luck? Perhaps 😂 , but through the ups and downs, the long delays and many #obstacles of this #epic #journey, his hair growth was a silent reminder of the many weeks spent on the road! 🙈 😅

It's time to prepare for his A-Levels now, BUT, you will still hear from Mack in the future. "Aviation is my passion, so, in some way, shape or form, it will be part of my future!" ðŸ‘Ļ‍✈ïļ ✈ïļ

"This was a collaborative effort and I couldn't have done it without the support of not only my sponsor @icdsoft but also the hundreds of people around the world who supported me in many different ways. Thank you to every single person or organisation who helped me fulfill this dream!"

#grit #resilience #youngstersmakeadifference #hair #aviation #aviationlovers #aviationgeeks #passion #aroundtheworld #guinness #guinnessrecord #aroundtheworld #solo #courage #grit #inspire #pilot #pilotseyes #pilotslife #macksolo #mackrutherford #theteammakesthedream #backtoschool

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